About Dotadoodle

Once upon a time (because we don't know the exact date, courtesy:quarantine), our founders, over a conversation about unending growth of the paunch felt a desire to curate content.
The quarantine period being kaafi generous with well, (un)wanted time and people around us were making Dalgona coffee and failing miserably, so needed a more potent way to express—scribbling and doodling on virtual walls (because hey, parents are home too, real walls are way too risky!)
The idea of Dot A Doodle as a zine was born over cups of tea and late night video calls (when netflix got too much) to create a safe space for people where they could create freely and from the heart.
If you still want to know more, head down to get a glimpse of the crazy phases of our team (Or you could just read our latest issue!)


Jayosmita Ganguly

If you randomly bump into someone Shakespearing on a Disney monologue with ringtones of god-knows-where, rest assured, you're in front of Jayosmita. Her ideas jump around for if she did, she'd probably break a bone. She speaks existentialism, multiculturalism and ad jingles.

Sohinee Basu

Rolling around in word muddles and hopping across inky puddles, this teeny-tiny adult kid can be found downing momos with fiery sauce and daydreaming about faraway beaches while keeping her fingers crossed during Roger Federer's matches. Like a cloud, she can't be pinned down (she'll judge if you don't get this reference), she lives for her love of all things artfully poetic and overwhelmingly beautiful.

Tech Geeks

Uday Menon

Aka the Jack from jack of all trades and master of none. Curiosity may have killed the cat but it is the only thing that satiates his apetite. When on a break from video games or cricket, you can find this geek trying to take apart mobile phones, laptops or any other valuable devices that your mother admonishes you for playing with.

Swarnava Ghosh

This groggy-eyed sloth can be found on a perpetual tech-à-tête with his laptop carefully balanced on his paunch. He is generally found dotting and doodling on the code editor, trying to escape awkward conversations with cringey PJs or spending the rest of the day contributing to his most important project - the big Bengali belly.

Tiny Dots

Sanchari Sinha


A 20 year old in denial of her (old) age, is a 3rd year Fine Arts (painting) student who is in pursuit of finding her art dream as instructed by her love and mentor BTS. Having studied science in school, she is learning new art everyday, attemtping to find her style. She also loves making fan art.

Nupur Shah

Editorial Intern

As her name suggests, 'nupur' represents an instability of thought, feeling and action that begins in anxious doubt and ends in, at best, a placid hesitancy. Regardless, her (obvious) search for certainty cannot be counted as one of her faults.

Contact Us

A journey to this far-off virtual moor,
We hope you found this space a-true,
And in case you want to share this love,
Send in a submission, doubts, or a hug like Olaf!
