Front Cover, Web: "O Captain, My Captain" By Malisha Dutta

About: Hello mortals, I am Malisha, a clumsy, psychedelic teen who loves art, poetry, writings and acknowledges the beauty of it (although I am a Bioscience higher secondary graduate). I love creating things for people, basically, I like seeing them smile for a reason. I can dance, sing, paint etcetera. I love reading, generally science fiction, also classics, however, I hate obscenity.
About: Hi, I'm Ranjitha Komaravolu, founder of! I'm a complete lunar lady and a true crab! People know me as a mental health advocate/ soon-to-be practitioner and a body positivity activist! I'm all about peace and positive vibrations and energies and finding the hippie boho spirit in me! Mandalas are how I express my energies and I absolutely love the process! Colouring my Aura in happy shades is my priority and I wouldn't change it for the world!

Front Cover, PDF: Free Flowing Imperfection by Ranjitha Komaravolu

By Aritra Majumdar

On some nights, when the moonlight mitigated by the cloudy skies reaches my balcony, I pine terribly for something intangible, something within myself that I must have lost in the past. But try as I might, I cannot give it substance, and so I never understand what I’m yearning for. The only thing I can think of doing is to look forward with a bittersweet taste in my mouth.
About: I'm a 23-year-old engineering student from Kolkata. I spend my time overanalyzing my thoughts and then feeling low. I paint and I write and do everything other than my college course. I hope to make people feel something with my art someday.
Days are going by,
Troubles are keeping me up
with a heavy breath, a deep sigh,
and an overflowing coffee cup.

I’ve been caught and captured,
I’ve been in a cage.
This is not what I pictured
When I said I wanted to be a sage.

I am a moving cloud
with rains unwelcomed,
Never too loud,
worried about the outcome.

Days are going by
I feel like I am back to school
So clueless and so shy
tired of never breaking a rule.
About: Full-time witch, part-time artist

By Aakriti Jadwani