By Aikantik Bag

The herd went on and got killed one by one.
About: Constantly curious about Indian politics, Aikantik likes to arm himself up with a camera and nurture photojournalism as his forte. When not out looking for stories, Aikantik can be found binging on movies, poring over Film History, and gushing about new trends in Indian Cinema!
It all started with a road,
A road of rudimentary mistakes,
That trampled on grasses green,
Breathing in the morning mist.

As tyres rolled on pebbles uneven,
The mist turned to smoke,
The helpless dew turned to tears of madness,
While the greys outgrew the green.
About: This groggy-eyed sloth can be found on a perpetual tech-à-tête with his laptop carefully balanced on his paunch. He is generally found dotting and doodling on the code editor, trying to escape awkward conversations with cringey PJs or spending the rest of the day contributing to his most important project - the big Bengali belly.

By Swarnava Ghosh

By Soham Basu

The light departed,
The mist came down the mountains,
and rested on the forest road.
The Eagle, always alert, seemed to draw away,
The mother and it’s calf rushed into the dense undergrowth.
About: 22. Blogger. Art Aficionado & Photography Enthusiast, with a passion for wildlife. Connoisseur of modern art and fiction.
The langurs howled and rushed to the upper branches;
A peacock crowed, sounding an alarm;
The forest engulfed in chaos -
Until silence fell, almost instantly.
The shrubs moved - I heard a lowly grunt;
The retreating light shone on the stripes.
About: 22. Blogger. Art Aficionado & Photography Enthusiast, with a passion for wildlife. Connoisseur of modern art and fiction.

By Soham Basu

By Subham Behera

It was the last day of my trip to Sikkim. I had no idea that a two-three days trip would have such an impact on me. Well, I also don’t know what stories I’m telling through these pictures that I have created. All I know is to relive these moments. All I know is to go to wonderful places like these and keep shooting.
About: I’m a guy who loves nature, travel and photograph the beauty of it. There’s this child spirit in my heart which looks for adventure forever. I don’t ever plan of getting it but I’m perpetually striving towards perfection.
Somewhere in Paradise
About: 21. Student. Jugaad is her middle name with PR and HR skills up her sleeves like rabbits for magicians!

By Ruqaiya Harianawala

By Ritashree Pal

“The woods are lovely, dark and deep.”
-Robert Frost
About: Student. Attic-lover - the open terrace liberates me from the shackles and drudgery of everyday reality. A cup of coffee, my favourite author coupled with the sun setting in the western horizon work as a perfect mood uplifter for me. Or as an alternative I would love to choose the glittering stars, 2am talks, that special person and a beer can.
Walking into the woods and wilderness, dazed on the unknown path, in the search of something unknown, lost between hopes and expectations, waiting for surprises at each step, all I wish is for tomorrow to be better than yesterday.
About: A woman in her 20s who is addicted to watching/analyzing films+series and finds magic in everything artistic like music and books. I am a photographer, content writer, media graduate, an aspiring cinematographer and filmmaker striving to see the world turn into a better place, with my art being a minor contributor to the cause.

By Rutuja Bhosle

By Janki Sampat

May 2013: a lazy afternoon at the Seal Island (near Cape Town, South Africa) with Cape Fur Seals as they try to figure out the species that caused disturbance in their siesta.
Also visiting them is a friend from the neighbourhood (odd man out) what appears to be like a small gull.
About: ‘Integrity Has No Need of Rules’ -Albert Camus. I am a law student, hold a bachelor’s degree in English literature, a foodie who loves cooking and sometimes prefer capturing moments that are visually appealing, meaningful and tell a story.
There where the deodars rustle
Psalms sung at Evensong,
In the scattered hue of twilight dusk,
The blemished beauty of
Darkened stones.
There where the woods part,
The light shudders and falls,
History clung like overgrown ivy
Whispering stories to stony ears,
Deafened by the shrills of mortality,
Echoing through the wilderness,
Long after the bells have tolled.
About: This teeny-tiny-adult-kid can be found figuring out the puzzle called life through her words while gorging on momos and planning her next trip. She trusts Oogway with his wisdom and likewise, has learned to take ‘today’ as a gift called present!

By Sohinee Basu

By Priyanka Kothari

This is the huge tree in the school where I work - currently the school buildings are closed and no cleaning of the fallen flowers. Hence the gorgeous sight. It looked magnificent to me!
About: “Life is short, eat that ice-cream!” To be honest, I can’t really pinpoint who I am quoting here or if this actually qualifies as a quote, but well, this feels the most true to me at the moment - so be it. This is what I am and what I do - most days comfortable in my own skin and chasing whatever feels right for me - and rarely giving you straight answers. Oops! Some consolation, my growing adult role means that once in a while, I will give you exactly what you asked me for: I’m me, who are you?
Nothing Gold Can Stay: The Fall
About: Photography has always given me the opportunity to come in close proximity to Nature, to the witness the prosaic and the mundane as well as the exotic and to capture the mellow fruitfulness and the changing seasonal patterns.

By Sayar Deb

By Sayar Deb

“Tyger Tyger, burning bright,
In the forests of the night;
What immortal hand or eye,
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?”
-William Blake
About: Photography has always given me the opportunity to come in close proximity to Nature, to the witness the prosaic and the mundane as well as the exotic and to capture the mellow fruitfulness and the changing seasonal patterns.