Art by Sanchari Sinha (PDF Back Cover and Website Cover)

About: A 20 year old in denial of her (old) age, is a 3rd year Fine Arts (painting) student who is in pursuit of finding her art dream as instructed by her love and mentor BTS. Having studied science in school, she is learning new art everyday, attemtping to find her style. She also loves making fan art.

Art by Rittika Biswas

About: A full-time medical student who often likes to escape from her morbid life to become a part-time artist who draws morbid pictures. Has a strange obsession with galaxies, pretty flowers and human hearts, and just can't stop drawing them.

Art by Soham Basu

About: 22. Blogger. Art Aficionado & Photography Enthusiast, with a passion for wildlife. Connoisseur of modern art and fiction.

Art by Sindhu

About: I am Sindhu. I am currently living in Berlin, Germany, but originally from Bangalore.
I work as a software engineer but an artist by passion. I love to paint nature, that's my most favorite subject. But I love exploring new subjects and currently loving painting architecture as well. Living in Europe definitely helps.
For more, follow her on: @brushesandlens

Art by Sindhu

About: I am Sindhu. I am currently living in Berlin, Germany, but originally from Bangalore.
I work as a software engineer but an artist by passion. I love to paint nature, that's my most favorite subject. But I love exploring new subjects and currently loving painting architecture as well. Living in Europe definitely helps.
For more, follow her on: @brushesandlens

Art by Sindhu

About: I am Sindhu. I am currently living in Berlin, Germany, but originally from Bangalore.
I work as a software engineer but an artist by passion. I love to paint nature, that's my most favorite subject. But I love exploring new subjects and currently loving painting architecture as well. Living in Europe definitely helps.
For more, follow her on: @brushesandlens

Art by Malisha Dutta

About: Hello mortals, I am Malisha, a clumsy, psychedelic teen who loves art, poetry, writings and acknowledges the beauty of it(although I am a Bioscience 12th pass out). I love creating things for people, basically I like them seeing smile for a reason. I can dance, sing, paint etcetera. I love reading, generally science fictions, also classics, however I hate obscenity.

Art by Aratrika Ganguly

About: “Hum angrezi zamane ke jailer hai, HAHA!” is her happy space. The artist of this piece is a 13-year-old who is struggling to maintain her scores while she continues sketching and reading fantasy fiction. Three words to describe her: Artist, bookworm, child.

Art by Aritra Majumdar

About: I'm a 23-year-old engineering student from Kolkata. I spend my time overanalyzing my thoughts and then feeling low. I paint and I write and do everything other than my college course. I hope to make people feel something with my art someday.

Art by Aritra Majumdar

About: I'm a 23-year-old engineering student from Kolkata. I spend my time overanalyzing my thoughts and then feeling low. I paint and I write and do everything other than my college course. I hope to make people feel something with my art someday.

Art by Neha G (PDF Cover)

About: I'm a 23-year-old engineering student from Kolkata. I spend my time overanalyzing my thoughts and then feeling low. I paint and I write and do everything other than my college course. I hope to make people feel something with my art someday.