
The very first usage of this delightful word known as 'honeymoon' in the modern sense occurs only in the late 18th century. In the following century, during the supposedly unromantic Victorian Era, it attracts certain well-versed suffixes which we most pair this word with, such as a honeymoon period, suite, couple, etc. However, to trace an etymological origin of this noun would take us to the heart of the Middle Ages, circa, 15th century England.

Here is that sentence verbatim in which the word first appears in our language: To be bréefe, they were marryed: well that daye was past with dauncing and Honney moone it was for a moneth after. What this word pays homage to is the period of time the moon takes to complete the cycle of change by alternatively waxing and waning (15 days each). The word 'honey' qualifies the sweetness of the moonlight experienced by those lovers when youthful love has metamorphosed into marital consummation. This is the time when time has stilled and yet, as is its wont, it passes on; but, like everything that happens after two have turned into one, the experience of time (the deepest there is) is transformed into that of place.

To encounter some of those young memories, but from across the spectra of the varying periods of life (that cannot stay only young) is what the testimonies that follow amount to. Below are first person accounts of three couples representing the three progressing stages of life: newly-married, middle aged and an elderly couple. For the first couple, it is still fresh as the flowers in spring; for the second, like the autumnal leaves, and for the third, like the frosty lake of winter that is but frozen only on the surface, the depth still sizzling with life - as is the case with the summer ripeness of memory. The ferocity of a love that is to last one a lifetime- first kindled amidst the snowy peaks that seem as insurmountable as the obstacles of adulthood; the slippery slopes that are to be tread upon as carefully as an ageing body would climb the stairs; the biting winds blowing in such regions resembling the fleeting but powerful trials of real life that are to be faced together once the warmth of new love has passed into a settled existence.

We reached out to three such couples with two simple questions to shake them out of their routine and plunge them (and us) into those cold days whose reminiscence shall yet be made warm when in their words they recreate that sweet time of bud and bloom.

The Newly Married Duo

Destination: Sri Lanka
Narrated: Hareem Deeba

Q. After so many years that have passed, tell us one fun memory from there.

Our honeymoon was - in two words, fun and adventurous! To be honest, our honeymoon was far from one that is traditionally planned one. Usually, people have a romantic (almost filmy) idea of a honeymoon as a trip filled with opulence and extravagance, that is so off the mark of reality that it is almost ridiculous. They think of it as being all about beaches, shopping, luxury, cruising and a lot of free time to spend with each other, which last point isn’t wrong, but it isn’t the only factor that counts! When we were planning our marriage, almost every newly married couple whom we knew was planning their honeymoon either to Thailand or Maldives with the former spot being the dream honeymoon destination back in those days. But can you guess where we decided to go? Sri Lanka we wanted it to be and Sri Lanka it was! Our idea of perfect honeymooning was to explore the country together and our itinerary even included twelve hours of safari at Yala National Park just because we wanted to see a real leopard together! We left our hotel at 5 am in the morning for this adventure.

Image Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons
Q. On a honeymoon surrounded by snow caps, what was the warmest thing there?

It didn't snow but it was extremely cold at Nuwara Eliya, a city located in the tea country hills of central Sri Lanka. And the warmest thing there was Sri Lanka's biggest export: tea with mesmerizing sceneries for us to enjoy. Also, the atmosphere in our hotel's lobby was extremely cozy and welcoming. I remember one night that we spent there in Kandy, we had returned from a day's trip and were sitting at the bar enjoying our drinks when an elderly couple joined us. They were from Mumbai and were surprised to know that we were from Pakistan because our first impression on them was that of an Indian couple. Time passed quickly as we chatted about subjects like cultural similarities, no-language barriers, life experiences; a memorable session of all the couples enjoying the light music and some live singing followed; more people gathered there to warm themselves up right before it was dinner time. That night, my husband and I went out for a walk and in that cold weather with our warm cuddles; it was indeed a walk to remember.

The Middle Runners

Destination: Jammu and Kashmir
Narrated by Surekha Shah

Q. After so many years that have passed, tell us one fun memory from there.

Amongst so many fun memories that we have from there, the one that stands out is from Pahalgam. It was the coldest and prettiest place imaginable in Kashmir and there we decided to go skiing. We wanted to try snowboarding as well but were too scared of unwanted injuries! Anyway, skiing was more than we could handle, the snow was so thick spread all over on the ground. Whereas we remember Gulmarg for its lush beautifulness, our most memorable moment was when we beheld the tall mountains of Pahalgam covered with so much snow you couldn't see the snow caps and just as much snow on the ground, and more of it falling all around us, a moment's lapse and down the slippery slope we went skidding, toppling over the snow- shaped rocks, hand in hand, hugging our snow gear for protection and each other for quick consolation! We remember thanking our stars for allowing us to roll around in the biting cold in the middle of December. Ah, what paradise!

Q. On a honeymoon surrounded by snow caps, what was the warmest thing there?

That's an interesting question! And the answer to that is of course very personal. But apart from that, as far as warm things in India's iciest region are concerned, we do remember a couple of them. We can still recall the burning-hot tinge of the Kashmir brand of tea, kahwa that we drank as we sauntered down the roads of Srinagar. The exhilarating warmness of the kahwa accompanied us even in the mountains of Sonmarg - that was another mind-blowing experience of trekking which we hadn't thought possible coming from the humid flatlands of Mumbai. We remember there were other 'just married' couples like us, freezing in the cold and stashing inside themselves a wealth of memories, living only in the moment. We were so proud to belong to the Kashmir winter in that moment whose low temperatures would give us a lifetime worth of highs.

Old Wines

Destination: Switzerland
Narrated by Kusum Shah

Image Courtesy: Werner Sidler
Q. After so many years that have passed, tell us one fun memory from there.

Far too many years have passed to remember those golden days in their exactness. But let me recall a coincidental meeting that saved our entire trip to Switzerland! It so happened that the only preparation we had made for the trip was of packing up a good amount of homemade snacks since we were aware of the lack of vegetarian food all across Europe! But we hadn't a clue as to what ought to be our next destination since we had refused the elaborate travel plans that our travel guide back in India had offered. We had wanted to explore the country by ourselves; but on ground zero, we realized Switzerland was a big nut to crack! So we were quite worried as the days were passing and we'd seen enough of Zurich where our flight landed. It was as we entered a pastry shop that we overheard someone in Hindi discussing the travel arrangements for a place called Interlaken. If it hadn't been for him, we would have missed the best, for Interlaken with its heaps of snow was so much whiteness that I dreamt of it long afterwards.

Q. On a honeymoon surrounded by snow caps, what was the warmest thing there?

It would seem funny, but there is nothing in the land that dispels the nearly unbearable cold more efficiently than the stunning mix of green and white that the most scenic spots inside the Swiss paradise present you with; one such as a place like Lucerne and St. Moritz. Too cold to even think it over again! On our journey through the countryside to Jungfrau, we came across the whitest peaks towering over the bluest streams - all enjoyed from the fully heated compartment of one of the best rail services in the world. The Matterhorn peak is a famous tourist destination and so was naturally very crowded. But what we really enjoyed and count as one favorite memory was the warm sunshine that greeted us in some of the tiniest towns that lie in between the cities. Seeing the blessings of Mother Nature in such plenty made us thankful for our own. Even today the memory of those days makes the eye moist and so remain a source of perennial warmth.

Image Courtesy: Jonathan Reichel


This is all our Explorers have to recall; the rest seems to have been given over to those unspeakable moments in between all the exploration!